The right power supply for your digital Carrera track
Find the right power supply for your digital Carrera track

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Track preparation
The longer your track is, the higher the internal resistance of the conductor and the more losses you will feel. Therefore, not only a reasonable power supply but also additional power feed are necessary.
It is not possible to say in general terms how many feeds you need. I have a customer with a 40m track and not a single additional power feed, it runs great. Other customers need two additional feeds for a distance of just 10m.
When I set up tracks for customers, I first drive along them without an additional power feed and then place the first power feed at the point where I feel that the car is not pulling as it should. I then do the whole thing until I have a consistent current flow along the entire track.
As a preparation, it is important to bend the ladder outwards a little at the transitions before assembling the track, this will ensure the best possible contact.
Additional power feed
As the length of the track increases, the current and the available power decrease the further the slotcar is from the Control Unit. Additional feeds must therefore be installed. Additional connections are made from the Control Unit to the various points on the track. It is important that the cable cross-section used is thick enough and that the length of the cable is not unnecessarily long.
Clips for additional power feed and ready-configured additional power feeds for Carrera Digital

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Delivery status: 1-2 days
Delivery time: 2 - 3 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)

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Delivery time: 2 - 3 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)

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Delivery time: 2 - 3 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)

Available immediately
Delivery status: 1-2 days
Delivery time: 2 - 3 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)

Available immediately
Delivery status: 1-2 days
Delivery time: 2 - 3 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)